
About Amy

Amy, of Foraged and Found, is a mother of two, a lover of nature and a devoted secondhand shopper.

An Englishwoman who feels blessed to call New Zealand home.

Since arriving in New Zealand many years ago, Amy has found great inspiration in the diverse landscapes, native plants and animals, as well as the relaxed, slow-living, resourceful Kiwi mentality.

With a background in both textiles and photography, she is passionate about all forms of art, in particular anything which celebrates nature in all it’s glorious forms.

So when she discovered that there was a way to use the plants around her to create impressions on fabric, which directly reflect the local environment, through a natural, sustainable and non-toxic process, it was the perfect outlet.

The Foraged and Found brand was borne from the idea of using foraged plant materials to bring new life to found (second hand) high-quality textiles, creating something which can be treasured for a lifetime.